DEnzyl Daniel
As an artist, I choose to recollect my own brief history; I chose to explore select memories, not only to give the viewer an inkling of my life, but also to reflect upon these moments in time as an acknowledgement of what this life has offered.
To progress, I believe, is to take in everything, good and bad, and in doing so, the chance to evolve remains present, enabling further development. How we process our own narrative, constitutes how we progress forward. To seek meaning in those occurrences, rather than shy away from them, is to allow revelation, that is otherwise missing due to a hindrance of obligation, that usually runs concurrent with time that could be used for reflection. So in this time, I use my art as a therapeutic medium for documenting standout events in my life; some traumatic, some triumphant, in a bid for self-documentation. I channel these experiences into foundational bearings that I could stand upon, in navigating the path that lies ahead, within my life and artistic practice.

"Disturbing Phone Call"
[(Charcoal & Metal Tool For Engraving On Art Paper)(19''x25'')
"In My Sleep(Start Of The Path)"
[Charcoal, Soft Pastel, Engraving Made w/ Metal Tool on
Archival Printing Paper](19.25''x26'')
"The Flood (Condemned To A Sinking Home)"[Charcoal, Soft Pastel, Metal Object For Engraving On Art Paper](19''x25'')
"Explosion:God Guarded Greatness(Youth Champion)"
[Charcoal, Soft Pastel, Conte Crayon, & Metal Object For Engraving On Art Paper](19''x25'')

"Child OF The Sun(A Gift before Tragedy)
[Charcoal, Conte Crayon, Soft Pastel & Metal Object For Engraving On Art Paper](19''x25'')
"King Lying In Wait; Father Made It(Graduation)"
[Charcoal, Soft Pastel, Conte Crayon & Engraving Made w/ Metal Tool on
Archival Printing Paper](19.25''x26'')